Praise for 7 Powers
Daniel Ek, CEO and Co-Founder of Spotify
Hamilton Helmer is the best kind of big thinker – he offers great insights that you can turn into real world action. At Spotify the 7 Powers are widely used as we discuss new initiatives. His distillation of the key types of strategic power, how to find them, how to leverage them, and how to maintain them is a fantastic toolset for companies at every stage.
Reed Hastings, CEO and Co-Founder of Netflix
The forces of competition are just incredibly strong. Everyone is trying to eat your lunch, and if you don’t read 7 Powers you’re going to die a lot sooner.
Jonathan Levin, Philip H Knight Dean, Stanford Graduate School of Business
7 Powers lays out a clear, compelling and insightful framework for thinking about the persistent sources of competitive advantage. Helmer draws on three decades of experience to break down how companies establish power and shape their industries, illustrating at every turn with entertaining
and illuminating examples.
Peter Thiel, entrepreneur and investor
Hamilton Helmer understands that strategy starts with invention. He can’t tell you what to invent, but he can and does show what it takes for a new invention to become a valuable business.
Bruce Chizen, former CEO of Adobe
7 Powers provides vital guidance for any business person developing strategy. I have known Hamilton for over a decade since his time as a strategy advisor to Adobe, and I am delighted that he is now sharing his original and compelling business insights.
Pete Docter, Pixar director and two-time Academy Award winner for Up and Inside Out
Hamilton is a deep thinker who makes a compelling connection between passion and good business. His ideas are well thought out, wise, and often challenging. I always look forward to what he has to say.
Mike Moritz, Chairman of Sequoia Capital
Making a small number of decisions wisely is far more important than making a lot of decisions correctly. Hamilton Helmer explains exactly how the leaders of the world’s most successful businesses get that small number just right.
Patrick Collison, CEO and Co-Founder of Stripe
Silicon Valley correctly places enormous value on execution and on culture. However, I think this sometimes leads to insufficient importance being placed on strategy. Hamilton Helmer’s deeply incisive work will hopefully help correct that.
Blake Grossman, former CEO of Barclays Global Investors
7 Powers is a highly innovative approach to understanding some of the key underlying drivers of company value and capturing ideas that certainly are not very well understood in the markets. And the result has been one of the most exceptional and sustained alpha records I’ve ever seen.
Daphne Koller, President and Co-Founder of Coursera
This book is a must-read for anyone starting or growing a business. It lays out an elegant and insightful framework that really helped inspire my thinking about building and maintaining strategic advantage in a competitive landscape.
Sean O’ Sullivan, Founder and Managing Partner, SOSV
A startup must have a compelling way of getting traction to be investable. Otherwise, it’s simply a bleeding hole that burns through money. 7 Powers rigorously lays out the strategies for a company to get this traction and details what it takes to get there. Anyone starting a business should read it.
Mark Baumgartner, Chief Investment Officer, Institute for Advanced Study
A master in the discipline of strategy, Hamilton has condensed 40 years of thought and practice into a single readable book. Read it and to your benefit you will see the 7 Powers everywhere you look.
Greg Hinckley, President, Mentor Graphics Corporation
Mentor has benefited from a continuing consulting relationship with Hamilton for the better part of 20 years and has incorporated many of his ideas and principles into the core of our strategy. 7 Powers consolidates those ideas and principles into a powerful framework and vocabulary to describe and permit analysis of where a company stands in its competitive space. It’s a powerful work.